Hal was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, but grew up primarily in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1976 he completed his education at the University of Memphis and computer training at the State Technical Institute at Memphis.
Afterward Hal began a lifelong career involving various aspects of computers, information technology, and software development. During what is often called the “golden age” of computers, he worked for notable early innovators, such as Datapoint, Wang Laboratories, and Burroughs Corporation.
In the late 1980’s, Hal relocated to Atlanta, Georgia, where he served as Information Service Principal and National Director of Banking Retail Services with Unisys, then Regional IS Manager with NCS/Pearson. In 2001 he started his own managed services firm, IcareT, and later became the founding member of SOADesk, an information technology startup. Then in 2010, he transitioned to Cicero, Inc., a national information technology and software development firm, as Director of Services.
Hal has extensively served in Christian leadership as a teacher, children’s pastor, encourager, deacon and elder. In 2003, he joined in ministry with Ciloa, becoming a member of its Board of Directors. Over the years, he has led and participated in a variety of areas and roles: IT and website management and development, distribution and expansion of the Notes of Encouragement, editor and publishing assistant, contributor as a Notes author, and ministry planning, development, and growth. Hal has also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Today Hal is Vice President of IT Products and Services at Reach Technologies and continues to serve on the Board of Ciloa. He and his wife, Brenda, reside in Buford, Georgia, USA, have 2 wonderful daughters, sons-in-law, and 4 amazing grandchildren.