Misplaced Hope
…by Sue Hunt McGee
I believe it’s possible to hope for the wrong things.
I also believe it’s possible to hope for right things that will never come to fruition.
I believe our faith can waver by hoping in the “answer to prayer” rather than hoping in God Himself.
Having hope in our Creator is not the same thing as having hope in what we think He should do for us.
We may grieve, but not like those who have no hope.¹
I believe sometimes God allows us to lose hope in the things around us, the people we thought might come through for us, our leaders who fail to lead us, the dreams we so long for…in order to refocus us.
The loss of hope can bring about a grief that causes us to readjust our sights, find our “first love” again, to humble us and bring us home to God.
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.2
May we hope in Him alone.
May we be so anchored to His love that nothing can shake us, break us or cause us to doubt Him.
May we know that He is able to do above and beyond what we can even imagine.
And if we lose hope, may we retrace our steps and find Him all over again.
For 8 months out of the year, Sue Hunt McGee, is a Christian Counselor and CBT Psychotherapist in London, England. The remaining 4 months she helps run her family-owned fishing lodge in Alaska, USA.
Footnotes: (1) Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. (2) Read Psalm 62:5.
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