Walking in the Light
…by Chuck Graham
One night years ago I awoke with a terrible headache. I drug myself out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen with all the grace of a confused ox. It was dark, but I did not turn on the light. I knew where the medicine was. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?
I opened a cabinet and grabbed a small bottle. But despite my efforts, the “child-proof” cap would not come off. I slammed the bottle onto the counter, startling our puppy who apparently had followed me into the kitchen. She barked and I accidentally kicked a fluffy White Westie into the next room.
I hurried to calm her but instead crushed a few innocent toes on a nearby chair, fell to the floor, and grabbed my foot. Eventually I limped back to the counter, and quickly took a couple of capsules. Probably would have worked, too, had they not been for severe constipation.
Walking in the Light allows others to see God in us.
The Disciple John once wrote, If we walk in the Light as [God] Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.1 Notice how John begins. What did he mean by “walk in the Light”?
Jesus said, While I am here, I am the Light of the world2 … I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life3 … If you love me, you will do as I say4 … Follow me5.
To walk in the Light means to follow Jesus. By following Him, we become the light of the world such that when others look at us, they see Jesus’ reflection in our lives6. If we walk in the Light … we see the way to love others, the truth of what is around us, and the life Jesus has called us to live.
Walking in the Light allows us to see God in others.
For our 40th wedding anniversary, Beverly and I toured New Zealand and were blessed by the people we met. Two special ones were Richard, a retired minister, and Kevin, our tour director.
Richard could hardly walk, his health having deteriorated since booking the tour. Knowing what lay ahead, I couldn’t see how he would manage. But Kevin was always there—finding wheelchairs, moving him about, getting his meals, and making sure he wasn’t left out. He didn’t have to. Yet he did.
When I walk in the Light, I don’t stumble in the darkness or lose my way. I see clearly. In Kevin I saw someone go out of his way to encourage and care for a man who needed help…an example of how Jesus said we are to love one another. I didn’t miss the lesson there.
Walk in God’s Light and let Him show you what all there is to see.
Take care & be God’s,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa , an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching others how to “encourage one another as long as it is called Today!” He is also an author, speaker, teacher, and encourager. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. You can learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.ciloa.org.
1. 1 John 1:7 NASU
2. Read John 9:5 NASU
3. Read John 14:6 NASU
4. Read John 14:15 NASU
5. Read John 1:43;10:27;12:26;21:19,22 NASU
6. Read Matthew 5:14-16 NASU
Pictures: Banner: Helping One Another…Kevin taking Richard to the Bus. (1) A Helping Hand…Kevin in the rain lifting Richard onto a boat. (2) Going the Extra Mile…Kevin getting Richard onto a ferry. (3) Beverly, Kevin and Chuck at the end of the New Zealand Tour. All pictures provided by Chuck and Beverly Graham.