Rest…and Be Strong!
One particular time, I experienced a tremendous amount of stress in my life. Many difficult and emotional situations occurred. 1 It was like being in a terrible fight, and they all struck me in in a single week! Before I could even begin to handle one, another would hit. The tension was almost unbearable, causing me to miss a lot of sleep. I was definitely under a major satanic attack.
But I survived and as always, God taught me some truths during my trials. One is that we need plenty of rest during such times. Throughout the Bible, we are told of how important rest is. Even Jesus, in times of great distress, would go off by Himself to rest and pray.
In my own times of distress, I learned that it’s not just our bodies that need rest. We also need it spiritually to stand strong through God’s power. satan knows how we act with no rest and will move us to be irritable, unfeeling, quick to judge, easy to anger…less “Christian”. he will attack in our weakest moments, as he did with Jesus in the desert, trying to tempt Him with wealth, authority and power.
Do not be afraid and do not worry.
Another truth I learned is that when Jesus says, Do not let your heart be afraid, and Do not worry, He’s not sharing helpful suggestions.2 These are commands. But being human, we find these difficult to obey. We cannot just lay back and think to ourselves, “OK, God, make me stop worrying and make me stop being afraid.” We have to pray for His strength to accomplish these things!
Then with all we’re worth, we must fight to do our part. Here’s some “ammunition” you can use in your own battles. (1) Realize you need rest and make the time to get it. (2) Cling to the Scriptures, such as Do not worry, for example.
(3) Repeat them over and over, mustering all your will power to control your worry and fear about tomorrow. (4) Make yourself go to Christian friends and lay out your heart to them so they may pray for and encourage you.
Lean on God take one day at a time.
We may not be completely successful at times, but God will bless our earnest attempts to obey His commands. That blessing will be our success in obedience which will enable us to hold on to “one day at a time” and depend entirely on God to guide us through our trials.
And when the attack is over, we will emerge stronger, wiser, and of better use for His kingdom. On top of all that, satan will be beaten yet again. What a plan!
Rest…and Be Strong!
Susan Paradise is a former member of the Ciloa Board of Directors. She and her husband, Fred, live in Greensboro, Georgia, USA, where she has a ministry devoted to helping women who are hurting.
Footnotes: (1) Including my son’s heart surgery! (2) Read John 14:27and Matthew 6:25,34.
Pictures: Banner: Time To Rest, Lake Oconee, photo by Susan Paradise. (1) God’s Glory, Lake Oconee, photo by Susan Paradise. (2) John 14:27, image created by Texting The Truth, (3) Susan Paradise.