God, Where You At?
Not long ago I was asking, “God, where you at?” I had been frustrated by my circumstances and negative scenarios that seemed to be ongoing with no end in sight. Totally out of my control!
Either close to home or farther removed, I had been entangled in them. It surely didn’t seem like God was around much. I imagine you can relate to this on some level. Maybe it’s a tough situation you are in created by your own mistakes or perhaps from someone else’s poor decisions.
One evening I went to make the exchange with my kids to head back to their mother’s house…2 hours away for the next 12 days. It is often a challenging time and tears are typically shed on the drive home.
A cup of coffee and a man named Daryl.
There are tears of joy from the good times we had, tears of frustration given the circumstances, and tears of sorrow knowing the void left in my heart for the next 12 days. Again, here I go, frustrated, sad and wondering where God is at.
After the exchange, I walked into the gas station for a cup of coffee for the ride home. When I walked out, there was a gentleman by my car. His name was Daryl, and he asked me, “Was that your son?” I let him know that it was.
He said seeing me and my son reminded him of his sons and how precious it was. We continued to chat, which turned into a 30 minute discussion in the gas station parking lot. We both shared our stories and began to connect.
God moves in those He brings our way.
Then Daryl told me about his struggles and the forgiveness he had to find early on in his life. Soon I was telling him a similar story about my own forgiveness journey. And we continued sharing our hearts and what God has done for both of us.
As our conversation was about to end, I explained how meeting him was perfect timing as I was struggling at the moment. He said he wasn’t sure why he decided to talk to me, but felt nudged to do so. It was like God reached down and smacked me right in the head.
Well, that answered my question, “God, where you at?” Before parting ways, we shook hands, smiled, and snapped a photo. And Daryl reminded me this encounter had happened for a reason…for both of us.
Love God, love people, stay positive and be great!
Ross Buckwalter grew up in Ephrata, PA, and knew the heavy burdens of life at an early age. After a professional baseball career, more burdens brought him to a breaking point in 2019, but God intervened and saved him. Today Ross spreads hope, joy and positivity…sharing how he can see God in the good, the bad, and the darkest of times. Ross lives in Lancaster, PA, has a son, as well as a daughter with special needs. Check him out on facebook.
Pictures: Banner: Daryl and Ross, photo by Ross Buckwalter (2023). (1) Where Is God, from the blog “Where is God?”, gotquestions.org. (2) Alone Again, photo by T_ushar, pixabay.com. (3) God is in Control, decal design by decaljunky.com.