…by Shane Hale
To be clear, entangled was never in my vocabulary. Where I come from, something or someone might get “tangled up”, but they won’t get entangled. Then I looked up the definition. Sometimes another person’s words will add perspective, make me think a little bigger. This definition did just that.
Involved in difficult or complicated circumstances from which it is difficult to escape. So if I were the enemy…you know, satan and his minions…and could get people entangled in or with something troubling, that would be a good place to keep them. How? The possibilities are endless.
Family strife, toxic and abusive relationships, a cluttered house, financial problems, illnesses, an illicit affair, substance abuse, addictions, depression, hopelessness, etc. Some of these situations we may not ask for or create, and some we clearly bring on ourselves, but…
God makes a way when there is no way.
Regardless of how or why we arrive there, once we are entangled, not only can it seem there is no way out, but that entanglement can totally consume us. And that’s right where the enemy wants us…consumed with a problem that is bigger than us.
One example I often reference…and remind myself of when I see no path forward… is when God parted the Red Sea. 1 Fleeing Egypt and its army after centuries of being slaves, the Israelites found themselves with the Red Sea in front of them and the army closing in from behind. Literally no way out, until…
God parted the Red Sea, the Israelites walked across on dry land, and then God slammed the sea shut on the pursuing army. To say the Israelites were entangled in a real life mess would have been an understatement. But God made a way when there was no way. He does the same thing today.
When the problem is bigger than me.
Sometimes we get ourselves into a mess, sometimes we are handed a mess, sometimes it just drops in our lap…and entangled we become. Looking back, when I’ve found myself entangled and consumed by something bigger than me, each time it has been untangled by Someone bigger than me.
I give God the credit for getting me through everything I have been through, whether I asked for it or not.
Sometimes He chose to orchestrate a path forward that led me through something when I didn’t see a single step forward. And on rare occasions, He just literally made it vanish.
The enemy wants us entangled and focused on the problems of this world…worried, stressed, hopeless. God wants us focused on Him, fully expecting Him to open a door, make a way, part a sea…. then deal with what is chasing us. We are never too “tangled up” for God.
Get In The Boat! Do Your Part!
From Nose to Toes!
Shane Hale is a redeemed & re-purposed professional baseball player and former corporate sales executive. Shane, his wife Michelle, and their three sons live in Mobile, Alabama, USA, where he works as a Realtor. While seeking God’s plan for his life in the summer of 2014, God told Shane to start writing. Today he shares his faith to encourage and inspire others to seek His plan for their lives as well. Check out his blog at http://www.the1sixproject.com.
Footnotes: (1) Read Exodus 14:21.
Pictures: Banner: The Walls Were Waves, creator unknown, DP Gallery, fineartcanvas.com. (1) Fear Is Like Shackles, quote by Sami Awad, image by Inner Change, innerchange.life. (3) Parting of the Red Sea, from the WordPress blog “Her Broken Wing, Surviving Addiction” (2-23-2018).