Has Christmas changed you?
For many around the world, Christmas has come and gone. Now it’s over until another year passes. They return to the routines of their lives. They go back to work. They pay their bills. They see the same old problems. And struggle through the same old days.
Nothing has changed, because they haven’t changed. They sailed through the holidays and completely missed what Christmas is all about. Sure, they may know it has to do with the birth of Jesus. But they don’t understand what that has to do with them.
We fit that description at times, too. We rush about mailing cards, buying presents, cooking meals, even going to church to hear the old carols. We get lost in that rush and haven’t the time to consider what Jesus’ birth means to us. So take a moment now.
As one of us, He knows how it feels to be human.
This was no ordinary child. He was God with us. 1 The Apostle John said He was the true light that gives light to everyone. 2 Not just to those who live in a certain land or go to a certain church. Not even just to those who believe in Him. He gives light to everyone.
This light shows the way we should live and treat others. This light reveals the truth of who we are before God and who we can be with through this child. This light leads us away from a life that will destroy us to a life in eternal love. This light is the way, the truth, and the life. 3
And this child lived among us. Though He was God with us, He was also one of us. He knows how it feels to be human. He was tempted, ridiculed, put down, frustrated, discouraged, lied about, lied to, mocked, hated, beaten, alone…betrayed.
Follow the child and you will never be the same.
Why did He come in this way? So that we could never truthfully claim, “You don’t know how it feels!” For when we look at His life, we find that He was everything He has called us to be: humble, compassionate, kind, gentle, patient, loving, merciful, forgiving and faithful.
He was not some faraway king who sat around giving orders. He was and is God with us. He cares about us, so much that He died in our place, so that we might live in His love forever. He did this even for those who would never believe in Him.
The true light that gives light to everyone didn’t demand that we come to Him. Instead, He came into our world. He came for you, me, and all who would follow Him. So think about that child. You will find the joy of Christmas every day, and you will never be the same.
Ciloa Forever!
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to encouraging others and teaching them how to encourage one another. He is also an author and speaker. Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org.
Footnotes: (1) Read Matthew 1:23. (2) Read John 1:9. (3) Read John 14:6.
Pictures: Banner: Tree in Sunset by Bess Hamiti, Creative Commons Zero. (1): Light of the World, NeverThirsty.org. (2) A New Creation, ThankGodQotes.org.