Our Hope is in the Lord
This morning I awoke to a winter wonderland. We have snow for the first time this season in Central Maine. It’s a bit late, but oh, so welcome (by me, anyway). No matter what, snow always makes everything look clean.
Thing is, snow is only a top dressing, a “coverup” so to speak. Snow can hide the uncleanness of dirt for a little while…until it melts. But snow can never wash away the dirtiness. And that makes me think of Scripture.
King David once had his own coverup, trying to hide his affair with Bathsheba. After God sent Prophet Nathan to disclose that his sin was well known by God, David wrote Psalm 51, his painful plea of repentance. 1
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. 2
David was deeply sorrowful. He regretted his foolishness in stealing Bathsheba from her husband and causing her to be with child. He grieved having Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, killed in battle. And he mourned the death of his son born to him and Bathsheba. 3
David begged God to purify him, to cleanse him of his sin nature. Even before he could receive God’s comfort or begin to forgive himself or accept God’s eternal salvation, the King of Israel longed for God’s forgiveness of sin and renewal to righteousness in his heart.
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 4
And that’s where our hope for eternity lies. When we repent, turn to Jesus for salvation, and give our lives over to Him, we are born-again…cleansed by His blood…and renewed. We are saved by the blood of the Lamb. We are washed whiter than snow!
Then Jesus, the Hope of all mankind, is alive within us. And living forever in His love is no longer a wish, but a certainty, as we watch for the day Jesus calls us home.
My prayer is that you will allow yourself to believe you are worthy to be saved. In yourself, you are not. In Christ Jesus you absolutely are! For God receives as His sons and daughters ALL who give their lives to Jesus.
Then you can sing with Daniel Gardner, “My life is in You, Lord. My strength is in You, Lord. My hope is in You, Lord, in You, it’s in You.” 5
Suzanne Taylor is Pastor of New Beginnings Ministry (www.newbeginmin1.org), an online ministry dedicated to bringing together those who want to learn, share and experience more about Jesus. She is also the author of Rev’s Notes. Suzanne lives in Carmel, Maine, USA.
Footnotes: (1) Read Psalm 51:1-17. (2) Psalm 51:7a. (3) Read 2 Samuel 12:11-17. (4) Psalm 51:7b. (5) My Life is in You by Daniel Gardner, 1999.
Pictures: Banner Photo: Maine in Winter, Maine Tourism. (1) Psalm 51:7, poster by Brenda Walsh Scripture Images.