Our One Job
…by Chuck Graham
For me, mornings are usually for dragging myself out of bed, wandering about half-conscious, and speaking in unintelligible grunts and groans. One morning even after coffee, I was still very sleepy as I prepared my awaiting toothbrush and stuck it in my mouth.
Immediately I spat out the toothpaste, thoroughly rinsed my mouth, and gargled extensively to get rid of the most foul taste I had ever encountered. I glared at the toothbrush, tossed it into the trash, got a new one I just happened to have, and finished the job.
What a way to start the day, betrayed by my own toothbrush! Later I wandered back to the bathroom to take my morning medication and noticed something I’d never seen before…my daughter’s big fat cat seated by the sink…licking my toothbrush.
If we follow Jesus, we must lead others.
But the point here is not, Don’t leave your toothbrush where cats have access to it. Though that’s important. But even then, God can whisper the unexpected. This time it was: Your job is to lead others to do what you do, see what you see, and hear what you hear, so be wise.
I would never have thought that on my own. If memory serves, my first thought that morning was more along the lines of, “Must kill the cat.” But I realized something about what God was saying…that job is for every single person who desires to follow Christ Jesus.
Sometimes we look at yesterday rather than focusing on today and seeing how it may affect tomorrow. What happens now is important…what we do, see, and hear now…not just because of how our actions shape our own futures, but how they also shape the futures of those around us.
When people see us, they should see Jesus.
Paul said, Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 2 Years later Peter agreed. Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. 3
They understood what Jesus meant when He said, I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 4 He is our example of how to live, and we are to be the example of Jesus to others. That is our calling, our number one job in this world. And it’s why our lives must change.
Take your job seriously. For as Jesus said, Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. 5 (And don’t leave your toothbrush out. Bad example. Trust me.)
Take care & be God’s,
Chuck Graham is Founder and Executive Director of Ciloa, an international ministry devoted to sharing God’s encouragement and teaching how to encourage one another. Also an author and speaker, Chuck and his wife, Beverly, live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA. Learn more about Chuck and Ciloa at www.Ciloa.org .
Footnotes : (1) Corinthians 11:1; (2) 1Timothy 4:12b; (3) 1 Peter 2:21b; (4) John 13:15; (5) John 13:17.
Note : The original of this Note first appeared as the Note of Encouragement for July 13, 2009.
Pictures: Banner, Red Sky, Pinterest, creator of Wallpaper unknown. (1) Cat Brushing Teeth, burlingtoncountytimes.com. (2) John 13:15, creator unknown, Pinterest.