Dancing With Expectation
…by Janet Perez Eckles
I kissed hubby good-bye. And with white cane in hand, I turned to the clerk behind the airport counter. “I’ll be traveling alone,” I said.
Traveling is one of my favorite things to do. But this time, I wasn’t heading to a speaking engagement or to visit a friend. Instead, with anticipation for adventure, I headed to a Christian writer’s conference.
And the first day, while planning to attend events, workshops and networking sessions, one challenge continued to creep up: Unable to see my surroundings, how would I maneuver from session to session in that large hotel?
We don’t have to know how God might lead us, just that He will.
In the private room of my heart, a little worry tried to come in. But God’s Word silenced any worry. My Word will be a lamp to your feet, and a light unto your path.1 How sweet those words. And how reassuring that promise. I didn’t have to know how He would lead. I just knew He would.
His timing would be precise and His ways perfect.
At the end of a session, I grabbed my white cane and from nowhere, I heard a sweet voice. “Janet, can I help you get to the next class?”
I beamed with gratitude. No matter where I was, that same angelic offer from Lisa, a friend–an angel–came at the precise moment.
God goes before us…guiding, showing and protecting.
During conferences of life, the treasures are often brought about by challenges and even trials. That’s right. Adversity was what opened my eyes to see what compassion looks like. Tough moments gave me a glimpse of the features that describe kindness. And moments of uncertainty revealed the certainty of God’s provision.
When my life had been undisturbed by trials, I’d been blind to the beauty of God’s love. To the goodness that often has wings. And sadly, I’d been deaf to God’s voice that whispers the way.
All that changed. With a new tone of gratitude shining in my soul, and the spirit of thanksgiving swirling in my heart, confidence trickles in. Reassurance repeats: God goes before us…guiding, showing and protecting.
With certainty and thanksgiving, I dance with expectation!
When using the white cane to navigate through life, we might lose our direction. Heartache might jar our senses. Disappointment might bring gloom. And financial crisis might darken our days. But God will send an angel to nudge us and point to His Word:
Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you. Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. 2
The certainty of His word gives a new meaning to each morning. Puts a new song into my days. And with thanksgiving painting my world, I dance with expectation in my soul.
Take care & be God’s,
Although blind, Janet Perez Eckles has been inspiring thousands to see the best in life. She is an international speaker, writer, and #1 bestselling author of Simply Salsa: Dancing without Fear at God’s Fiesta. Her passion is to point others to Christ so they can walk under His light of victory. www.janetperezeckles.com .
1 . See Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
2. See Isaiah 41:10 (NASU).
Pictures: Banner: Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet, image from Wood River Baptist Church, woodriverbc.org. (1) Blind Woman Walking, photographer unknown. (2) Psalms 119:105, created by Raining Truth. Janet Perez Eckles, photo provided by Janet Perez Eckles.