Trusting People
So, this is not a funny post. It’s a post of unfortunate truth. You’ve been forewarned.
When we trust in people, we are bound to be disappointed. People who promise too much and deliver too little. People who don’t communicate well, or, worse yet, at all. People who say one thing and do another.
People who are okay with wasting other people’s time and money. People who aren’t evil…they are merely incompetent and uncaring.
“Trust is a great, priceless treasure…
Mercifully, those people aren’t all the people, or even most of the people. This minority is to be pitied and prayed for and passed over.
Today I am a little wiser, a little poorer, a little sadder, and a little more determined to turn the page and move forward.
I am also thankful for all the beautiful people in the world who lift me up and support and surround me, and for a Savior who heals my hurts and restores my soul.
Never to be merely given, but earned.” 1
And the moral of the story is: If you’ve been hurt by ‘those people’, today is the day to take heart and move on.
They may have taken other things from you, but they cannot take your joy without your permission.
So, today, choose God’s joy with gratitude and be thankful for true friends and fellowship.
Just saying,
KC Pearcey is a devoted follower of Jesus…a wife, a mom, a grandmother…a retired teacher with 40 years experience who spends her days traveling with Darling Husband, writing a series of cozy murder mystery novels, and planning a new series of books for young people, all while she looks for the miracles in everyday life.
Footnotes: (1) Chuck Graham, from side notes in the writing of With the Trust of Others, A Note of Encouragement (2-21-2005).
Pictures: Banner: The Morning Star, photo by Chuck Graham; KC Pearcey, photo by Steve Glass, Steve Glass Photography.